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Posted : Tuesday, 8 November 2011 11:05:44 AM(UTC)

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I mentioned a book about some of New Zealand's unknown history in another section.

Doing so much research in the hunt for info on gold, history etc. i thought how about a section for books.

the book i mentioned after poohbear found some rather old looking coins is called "New Zealand's Hidden Past" by Ross Wiseman.

It is about a large number of unusual rock markings on Mount Tawarewa. the author is convinced a Phoenician fleet visited nz nearly 3000 years ago.

i was a bit dubious about it all at first, thinking, why have we not heard about this if it is true, and secondly its probably just a few scratches in some rocks with a bit of imagination thrown in.

well, there are literally dozens of these drawings, including maps of the world, navagational maps of nz and paths to villages, ones of moa etc etc.

there's also a discus found in a ploughed field relating back to about 186 ad.

there's a lot of scientific stuff also, so a bit more than a one man crusade.

with all the volcanic activity they have been able to figure out rough dates for a lot of what happened in the area and what is was like then and now.

definitely a bit more to history than what they taught in school.
Posted : Tuesday, 8 November 2011 11:11:51 AM(UTC)

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a second book, this one relates to gold, "River of No Return" by Johnny Carrey and Cort Conley.
About the Salmon River and its catchment and the people that pioneered the river, ran the rapids, and found gold along it.

a lot of historical pictures, and good descriptions of where gold was found and mined. some maps also that are numbered against each section.

they sure had it tough back in those days.

most seem to have met sort sort of grisly end.

of particular interest was how the forest service dealt to everyone's endeavours. they simply burned their buildings down (once they had been vacated of course).

reminded me of doc and some of their practices for some reason.
Posted : Tuesday, 8 November 2011 1:38:33 PM(UTC)

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Originally Posted by: simon Go to Quoted Post
I mentioned a book about some of New Zealand's unknown history in another section.

Doing so much research in the hunt for info on gold, history etc. i thought how about a section for books.

the book i mentioned after poohbear found some rather old looking coins is called "New Zealand's Hidden Past" by Ross Wiseman.

It is about a large number of unusual rock markings on Mount Tawarewa. the author is convinced a Phoenician fleet visited nz nearly 3000 years ago.

i was a bit dubious about it all at first, thinking, why have we not heard about this if it is true, and secondly its probably just a few scratches in some rocks with a bit of imagination thrown in.

well, there are literally dozens of these drawings, including maps of the world, navagational maps of nz and paths to villages, ones of moa etc etc.

there's also a discus found in a ploughed field relating back to about 186 ad.

there's a lot of scientific stuff also, so a bit more than a one man crusade.

with all the volcanic activity they have been able to figure out rough dates for a lot of what happened in the area and what is was like then and now.

definitely a bit more to history than what they taught in school.

I think that must be the Celtic New Zealand book and it keeps getting shot down by mainstream scholars but who is to say that there isnt an element of truth in it. There could well be. People shoot down the Pier Reis map of Antarctica but there it is - it exists. People merely say that things are fake, fraud and phoney because it doesnt fit into their set pattern of thinking.

I dont disbelieve anything until its proved wrong and dont believe anything until it has been proven to be a fact - in the meantime I keep my mind open.

As for the things that have been found in New Zealand like the Colenso Bird, the Tamil Bell and the Spanish helmet - they all pose questions which may or may not in time be answered...theres more to this world than we know.
Posted : Tuesday, 8 November 2011 4:00:58 PM(UTC)

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rock on good on ya graham I have just ordered that book in from the timaru tomorrow