Gidday Guys .Im a full blown newbie to all this hoping to meet like minded people (and if any in the bay of plenty) that may be whiling to share a bit of info and or go for a look ,any info at all I will be very grateful in receiving , have just built a sluice box and got a ready and whiling pan to sift around with so im pretty excited haha . I have read a few posts etc regarding the wahi area, and at first glance doesn't look to flash for trying there and my apologies in advance for another post about this area but maybe I might be able to chip up some more fresh opinions and ideas/ spots that could be worth a look .even though I can gather from a few other posts that it is not encouraged to be fossicking in and around the karagahake gorge area due to it being doc land etc. but maybe a casual pan around wouldn't be to frowned upon.
This looks like a great site with lots of cool like minded people .Cheers guys