Make sure the targets are subsurface - You don't want the stock to pick them up.
Accuracy of the GPS will be the biggest issue, even with GLONASS enabled, you'll still have an EPE of ±2m, depending on the satellite constellation at the time (when waypointing each mark, waypoint it again after a few hours so you have a different satellite configuration. A temporary spot of dazzle paint will help here).
Detectors can pinpoint to under 2cm for a shallow target the size you're talking about, error increases only slightly with depth, within reason. however, the coil will need to pass over the target, shouldn't be an issue if your GPS marks are good.
12mm nut will ring out loud and clear, stainless will be better as if you go for a standard iron nut, you might end up chasing fence staples, wire, bits of Massey Ferguson etc... Stainless allows you to pick it out easily amongst any junk (assuming the detector is up to it, probably don't want a $100-wonder from TradeMe...) Alternatively, chunks of copper will ping down to a good depth. I pull up 1c coins from 8" easily.
A nice 12mm stainless nut or chunk of copper, or even a lead fishing sinker will be easily detected several inches down - you have the advantage that your site is unlikely to be infested with bottle caps and can debris
If you're looking at a brand name detector, you'll have no issues, but a "GoldMagnet 4000" off TradeMe will likely need to be tested prior to setup to make sure it actually will read your chosen target...or any target.
Sounds interesting, would be keen on reading a copy of the final.
Edited by user Monday, 30 March 2015 6:59:31 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified