Hey peeps, I reckon its high time for me to get over to the coast and have a play(more like slog) for some GOLD.
Ill take my Goldbug (prolly a waste of time-never have found flakes or nugs) and a pan and my sluice.
Itl just be me and the dog so happy on my own but if anyone is thinking along the same lines company is always good let me know.
I like Goldsborough and it sounds like theres enough flow. I was guna go Slab Hut as its a good creek. I was also thinking Nelson Creek but wonder if theres enough flow for the sluice? Had to just pan there last time I went. Plenty of specks though.
Im gunna leave early sunday morning and just rough it in the tent and come back Tues night barring any injuries happening LOL. The ol muscles aint what they used to be..damn beer!
Let me know ya thoughts...