Hello all,
Been lurking here soaking up all the information i could find like a sponge, though, undoubtedly, like a sponge, one can only hold so much at one time, but i do try.
Long story short, times are tough, I decided to have a clean out of my shed for things I could sell, and lo and behold I found my old metal detector (el cheapo bought for about $50 on 1-day.co.nz aaaaages ago), I realized this was something that could actually generate income in excess of it's value if sold (probably $20 if i'm lucky).
I was right it would seem, after only a week of beach and park detecting I've generated just shy of $100, no retirement nugget as yet, but I really do enjoy myself, regardless of what I find, every find is equally exciting, kind of like hooking a fish, was going to use the $100 to upgrade to a second hand one from trademe, but missed the close of that auction, le sigh, but i digress again.
So hello again, I may ask the odd question, i do want to start detectoring for gold, but I don't think I'm going to waste my time with the cheapo I have right now, But it's something to aim for, and winter doesn't seem like a great time of year for the hobby anyway?
I do have a great love of spending days beyond the black stump, so come summer I may be making some excursions over to the other side of the alps, Will be in the coromandel in a few weeks, but might not be the right season there either? (looking at kiwijw for any thoughts about that).
That said, if anyone is doing anything resembling fossicking this winter, and wants company, I'm very interested and keen to learn all I can, work is quiet at this time of the year.