hi guys
had a bad experience today, went up to have a good day dredging and make the most of this good weather i had my dredge winched up the bank out of floodwaters reach got it down set it up all good, went to start the engines and they were completely hydrauliced.
it turns out that the angle of the dredge allowed the oil to seep past the rings into the cylinder completely f**king up my day i managed to get one going i thought all the rain we had managed to get in somehow untill it started and oil blew out the exhaust. the other engine is still not going will be going up on the weekend to fix it.
Talking to the small engine mechanic he said to ensure the piston is left vertical this means that most dredges with horizontal shaft engines should be dragged up backwards when left on an incline to stop the oil seeping through also ensure fuel is turned off as any angles cans cause the float in the carby to open and filling your engine and contaminating oil as well.
hope this helps some of you guys i was unaware that this could happen and so where several other dredging mates i have talked to today.
also it pays to carry a spare sparkplug and sparkplug tool as if had many tools up there but not to remove the plug causing me lost time and $$$
good luck and make the most of the low rivers :)