Flintlock wrote:Can anyone shed some light on this?
http://www.crownminerals...nerals/s_dredge.pdf/view I came across this on the Crown Minerals site. Does it mean that the Minister has the power to declare an area as a dredging area and anyone can apply for a permit to dredge there? (Has this ever been done?) If it does, then we dont need a change to the Mining act. Only for some presure to be applied for the Minister to declare some suitable areas as dredging areas.
Also found this here.
http://www.crownminerals.../MPM-Revised%20draft.pdf Under Definitions;
"hobby or recreation operations means for small scale suction dredging operations where the suction dredge has a engine rating no higher than 5 horse power, and for beach sand mining operations that are limited to hand tools and riffle box"
However I couldn't find any other reference to it in the rest of the document.
Hi Guys,
I am a Newbie here but have been scratching and dredging for over 30 years. I recently found this forum and have enjoyed reading all the posts and also learnt a bit as well.
I have a foot in both camps being a hobbyist and also an official 'explorer/miner'. I'll come back to that in further posts.
Meantime, the current Minerals Laws are under review, part of which was the fuss raised when Mr Brownlee suggested we might look at mining Great Barrier & the Coromandel. The intitial review was undertaken after this furore (last August)and submissions were called for from everyone, including small activity people. The next part is that there will be a further round of Cardycat talks in April and possibly more submissions requested then.
The Govts current discussion paper includes a section where the Minister can either approve lesser regulations for small hobby operators,and exclude areas from large applicants so they dont tie everything up. We have to hope that this format stays. Trouble is; I cant see DOC and the Iwis relinquishing their powers of denial.
Just Google "Reviewing the Crown Minerals Act" and you'll find the paper.