Thanks: 3 times Was thanked: 4 time(s) in 3 post(s)
Pleased to see a NZ site. A big thanks to all involved with it. Well done chaps.
I'm Nelson/Murchison way and get out with a few mates through the warmer months, they do alright sluicing but my back stops me moving too much enjoy sitting on the bank brewing tea and giving some coaching!. Couple other guys I know go dredgeing, I've given up on that completely now....too hard on the old bod!.
I've been waiving around a detector for a couple of years now and this winter went on a big trip to WA in OZ to play with the serious guys. A great trip and immersed myself in non stop detecting and detector talk. Stumbling around the desert for a few weeks swingng low and slow. Would love to get back there but a hard place to get to.
Cheers to all and hope to make a contribution from time to time.
Monday, 20 September 2010 5:59:00 AM(UTC)